RollinGreens Chopped fajita CHIC’KEN, red onions, cucumber, peperoncino all chopped up with Romain lettuce tossed in a creamy vinaigrette dressing.
Serves 4 people
For Chopped Fajita CHIC’KEN
- 1 Bag RollinGreens Chopped Fajita CHIC’KEN
- 2 cups water
- 2 tbsp olive oil
For the Dressing
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
- 1 clove garlic
- ¼ cup sour cream (optional dairy free alternative)
- ½ tsp sea salt
For the Salad
- 2 heads of Romain lettuce
- 1/4 red onion
- ½ cucumber
- ¼ cup peperoncino
- ½ cup parmesan cheese (optional dairy free alternative)
- For the Chopped Fajita CHIC’KEN, bring 2 cups water and olive oil to a boil in a medium pot or pan. Reduce heat to medium. Add the entire contents of the Chopped Fajita CHIC’KEN and stir well.
- Cook 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until most of the moisture has been absorbed. Turn heat to simmer.
- For the salad, in a medium bowl, fill ¾ of water and add thinly cut lettuce. Wash three times and drain. Dry lettuce and set aside.
- Wash, dry and dice red onion and cucumber. Add to bowl with lettuce. Add peperoncino and cooked Chopped Fajita Chic’Ken.
- For the dressing, in a small bowl, add the olive oil. Dice garlic fine and add salt and mash together, then add to the bowl with oil and stir. Add sour cream and stir.
- Slowly add red wine vinegar while stirring oil with a fork. Add to salad and stir everything together and top with parmesan cheese.
-Enjoy Chef Ko